

Municipal bankruptcy : A conversation with Laura Appleby

Although municipal bankruptcy filings are rare, one may anticipate an increase given the status of local municipal finance since the onset of the pandemic. Laura Appleby who is a partner at the firm of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath has a focus on bankruptcy and...

Cities versus Suburbs: Current Discussion

As someone who has straddled both living and working in both the city and the suburbs, I am finding the current discussion very disconcerting. I see the city and suburb relationship as symbiotic. Neither one should be viewed as superior to the other. They are simply...

On the Critical List: State & Localities

We knew too well about how the recent discussions of the next phase would unfold. We are now beyond the 11th hour without a plan. While much of the debate has centered around the continuation of the Unemployment Insurance supplement as it should, there has been much...

Is the ICU Ready for Municipals

We always exist in a world of contrasts. It just appears to be the case that the extremes are wider apart than what has been in our collective experience in the last fifty years. As investors, we lament the level of interest rates available in the market. The only way...